How to grill food with grill grate
Oct 25,2022
People all love grill all type of food by grill grate, following is some tips of grilling after you purchase a grill grate.
How to grill meat
Meat is the most popular barbecue food. This is largely due to the aforementioned Maillard reaction, which causes charring and alters the taste of the meat. A general rule of roasts: When you cook meat, you want it to be dry to get the best char and flavor. There are two ways to achieve this: 1) overnight in the refrigerator, unwrapped, and 2) marinate the meat 2 to 36 hours before cooking. This is called dry saltwater, and once you roast it, both produce the most delicious meat. I like to season the meat the day before and let it open in the fridge for 24 hours. You can also add dried spices and herbs to the salt to create the flavor you like
How to Chicken breast with grill grate
This piece of poultry is always puzzling: How do you grill chicken breast without drying it out or overcooking it?
It is always puzzling: How to roast a chicken breast without drying it out or overdoing it? The best way to grill a chicken breast is to keep the skin (removed after cooking), leave the wing bones in (removed after cooking), and wet the chicken in brine (obviously not done after cooking). Wet brine involves creating a liquid that contains 2 quarts of water or apple juice, 8 ounces of kosher salt, 3 ounces of sugar, and any herb ratio you like. Immerse the chicken pieces in the solution for 12 to 18 hours, remove and drain, then pat dry.
Brush the chicken with a little oil, then place it on a medium-hot grill for about two minutes, turn it over, and cook for another two minutes. Repeat on each side. Pull the chicken to the lower part of the grill and take the temperature at the thickest part of the chest -- the temperature should be at least 155 degrees Fahrenheit. If it's the right temperature, remove the meat and let the meat rest for 5 to 10 minutes before serving. If you want to cook faster or make sure the meat is cooked through, you can tap out the udder like a knife; This will cut your cooking time in half. Be sure not to overcook the meat. I also like to drink a little citrus or vinegar (a quarter cup) and olive oil (three quarters cup) and some fresh chopped herbs to brush over the cooked meat while it rests.
With the stainless steel grill grate ,you can grill various type of food, such as rib,fish,shrimp,vegetables,hope you you can enjoy the happiness of grilling,